1. Infrastructure Charts
  2. telemetry-exporter


Deploys everything needed to auto-discover and export telemetry data from the cluster to a centralized telemetry system.

Deployes telemetry collection pipeline exporting to a centralized telemetry system.

Deployes the following tools:


This chart requires a centralized telemetry system deployed using the telemetry-system chart.

This chart is deployed on the host cluster, and requires Argo CD to be deployed on the host cluster.

This chart requires a tenant cluster deployed using the cluster chart.


To install the chart:

helm install my-release oci://ghcr.io/sneakybugs/telemetry-exporter --version 1.0.0 --values values.yaml

Assuming you have a values.yaml with your values overrides:


To upgrade the chart:

helm upgrade my-release oci://ghcr.io/sneakybugs/telemetry-exporter --version 1.0.0 --values values.yaml

Assuming you have a values.yaml with your values overrides:


To uninstall the chart:

helm uninstall my-release


nameOverrideOverride chart name.""
fullnameOverrideOverride full release name.""
argocdNamespaceNamespace to deploy Argo CD resources to.”argocd”
destinationClusterName of the destination cluster, must be in the same namespace as this chart is deployed in.”cluster”
config.exporterOTLPEndpointCentralized OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint to export telemetry to.”otel.infra.sneakybugs.com:4317”
openTelemetryOperator.chartVersionOpenTelemetry Operator chart version to deploy.”0.68.0”
fluentOperator.chartVersionFluent Operator chart version to deploy.”v2.9.0”
prometheusOperatorCRDs.chartVersionPrometheus Operator CRDs chart version to deploy.”12.0.0”
kubeStateMetrics.chartVersionKube State Metrics chart version to deploy.”5.20.0”
prometheusNodeExporter.chartVersionNode exporter chart version to deploy.”4.36.0”

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